Triangles Festive Fun

Triangles Festive Fun

Blog Triangles Festive Fun  Christmas Kicking off Triangle’s festive month, the Social Committee organised another quiz night at the end of November, following the success of our initial event in October. This time the quiz was Christmas themed and employees...
Tip to Prevent Fires at Christmas

Tip to Prevent Fires at Christmas

Blog Tip to Prevent Fires at Christmas  Christmas is a time filled with twinkling lights, moments spent with family and friends, flowing food and drinks and beautiful Christmas trees. However, it is also one of the most dangerous times of the year for fire. Three...
Triangles Quiz Night!

Triangles Quiz Night!

Blog Triangles Quiz Night! Triangle Fire Systems have recently formed a Social Committee aimed at encouraging our employees to engage in social activities beyond working hours as well as incorporating fun quizzes and email activities during these festive months. Our...
BGF x Havas Media Network – Marketing Summit

BGF x Havas Media Network – Marketing Summit

Blog BGF x Havas Media Network – Marketing Summit On Tuesday 10th September, Triangles marketing team went to London to attend the BGF strategic marketing summit which was hosted in partnership with Havas Media Network. BGF is a company that addresses the SME...